
Frequently asked questions

All FAQs about statements

Contact TIAA Brokerage at 800-842-2252, weekdays 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. (ET) for questions about your statement or review our How to read your Brokerage Account statementOpens pdf.

Account statements are available within your account online or by contacting TIAA Brokerage at 800-842-225, weekdays 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. (ET). Log into your account on Select Statements and reports from the Quick Links action button located at the top of the page. View statements BY DATE or BY TYPE.

To sign up for eDelivery, log into your brokerage account on and select Brokerage eDelivery from the Quick Links button located at the top of the page.

To sign up for eDelivery, log into your account on Navigate into your brokerage account by selecting your Brokerage account from the Your Accounts section.  Click the QUICK LINKS button located at the top right of the page and select Brokerage eDelivery or Portfolio Advisor eDelivery, if you have a Portfolio Advisor account. Click e-Delivery preferences and make your elections. Be sure to save your changes.

Statements are typically available online within 7-10 days after the end of the month. Paper statements are mailed at the same time and should arrive a few days later, depending upon mail delivery. Note: If there is no activity in an account during a particular month, a monthly statement will not be generated. However, quarterly statements are generated with or without trading activity.

If you have multiple brokerage accounts and would like to have your account statements combined into one packet for mailing, complete the SelectLink / Combined Mail ApplicationOpens pdf. You may also find that eDelivery of your account statements is also an efficient and preferable method of receiving your account documents. Sign up for eDelivery within your account online.

Use this schedule to find out when tax forms will be delivered.

Online help

Calling us

Weekdays, 8 a.m. − 7 p.m. (ET)


TIAA Brokerage, a division of TIAA-CREF Individual & Institutional Services, LLC, Member FINRAOpens in a new window and SIPCOpens in a new window, distributes securities. Brokerage accounts are carried by Pershing, LLC, a subsidiary of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, Member FINRA, NYSE, SIPC.
