Personal trust services

A trust can be a strategic part of an overall financial strategy.

Call us at 844-567-9077.

Get the basics

What is TIAA Trust?

TIAA Trust and Advisory and Investment Services offer a team of specialists and services to help you meet your goals.

Investment strategy

We partner with you to create a personalized strategy geared toward you and your beneficiaries investment goals.1

Administration services

Assist with implementing your estate plan, consolidating assets and administering the trust based on the terms of your trust document.

Trust expertise

We complete your trust tax return and assist with charitable gift calculations.*

Get the basics

Is a trust right for you?

Consider setting up a trust if you want to:

  • Protect assets from creditor's claims.
  • Establish a tax-advantaged charitable gift, structured gifts to charities, or other philanthropic activities.
  • Avoid the potential costs and delays associated with probate and manage your estate tax exposure as well as any potential estate taxes.
  • Provide an orderly means of managing your financial affairs in case you become incapacitated, or upon death.
  • Ensure that your assets are managed for the benefit of your heirs, according to your wishes.
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Why TIAA trust

TIAA Trust has helped investors plan for their retirement goals since 1998

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We're here to answer your questions and set up a meeting.


Weekdays, 8 a.m. −10 p.m. (ET)

Discover more


Advisory and Investment Services

From do-it-yourself online investing to full-service financial advice, we can help.


Managed accounts

In a managed account, we manage your investments based on your personal needs and goals.

Investment, insurance and annuity products are not FDIC insured, are not bank guaranteed, are not deposits, are not insured by any federal government agency, are not a condition to any banking service or activity, and may lose value.

1 Nothing in this document is intended to, nor should it be construed to, suggest the creation of a legal partnership or joint enterprise.

* When TIAA Trust, N.A. (“TIAA Trust”) is acting as Trustee, TIAA Trust, N.A. either prepares or oversees the preparation of the trust's tax returns.

The TIAA group of companies does not provide legal or tax advice. Please consult your legal or tax advisor about your specific circumstances.

TIAA managed account services provide discretionary investment management services for a fee.

Investing involves risk and the value of your investments may gain or lose value and fluctuate over time. Investments in managed accounts should be considered in view of a larger, more diversified investment portfolio. Individuals should consult with an independent tax advisor, CPA and/or attorney for specific advice based on the individual's personal circumstances.

TIAA Trust, N.A. provides investment management, custody and trust services. Advisory services provided by Advice & Planning Services, a division of TIAA-CREF Individual & Institutional Services, LLC, a registered investment adviser.
©2023 TIAA Trust, N.A.

This material is for informational or educational purposes only and is not fiduciary investment advice, or a securities, investment strategy, or insurance product recommendation. This material does not consider an individual’s own objectives or circumstances which should be the basis of any investment decision.
