Big ideas. Better retirements.

Real people, real stories

TIAA participants get retirement ready.
A special New York Times series.

Managing money in retirement is one of the toughest challenges people face, financially and emotionally. Too often our conversations around retirement start and end with the financial considerations, even though there’s a strong emotional side to money and lifestyle. We wanted to capture that side of retirement from those who know it best.

If you read the New York Times, you may have spotted a series of vignettes like the ones shown here. These are real TIAA participants who shared personal stories of overcoming their worry and anxiety about retirement readiness.

Grace Tully (left) and Shawn Carter (above) share how they achieved steady retirement income.

The series speaks to the “what ifs?” employees often ask. What if I have a long retirement? What if the markets change? What if I don’t earn enough? What if I already have a plan? Might other employees see themselves in these stories? Vignettes like these could facilitate these important conversations.

Next up will be a series of documentary-style short films in the New York Times that further humanize the struggles and successes with retirement readiness. The subjects will explain, in their own words, how they’ve been able to pursue retirement as a TIAA participant. Watch for those later this year.

By sharing real-life stories, we can help others follow a similar route toward building more dignified retirements. We know this is your goal, too. Let’s do this together.

Get even more insightOpens pdf on better retirements in our full TMRW publication.

Explore other articles in this issue

How long will you live?

And can you afford the rest of your life?

5 things you need to know now

Legislation for more “SECURE” retirements.

It’s all about income

How can we fix the American retirement crisis?

What’s your worry?

Learn what today’s plan sponsors are thinking. And doing.

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Illustrations by Natalia Agatte

Testimonials have been provided by current clients, and no direct or indirect compensation was given in return. No material conflicts of interest exist on the part of the individual(s) giving the testimonial, resulting from their relationship with the adviser. Results experienced by individual’s may not be representative of the experience of other clients, and there is no guarantee of future performance or success.
