TIAA TMRW. Big ideas. Better retirements.
ERISA is 50.
It's time to modernize it.

Time to read: 11 minutes
Key takeaways
- ERISA initially was written to protect workers who had pensions. But contrary to popular belief, most workers didn’t have them—so this landmark legislation didn’t protect nearly as many workers as it meant to.
- The retirement landscape has changed dramatically in 50 years: low interest rates mean smaller savings, gig workers can’t access workplace retirement plans and investing is increasingly DIY. People need more help than ERISA can provide.
- Policymakers and employers need to modernize and embrace behavioral finance. Automatic savings, model portfolios and guaranteed lifetime income can help ensure Americans get the retirements they deserve.
Retirement is different today.
ERISA should adapt to support it.
The modern American retirement system was born on Labor Day 1974, with the stroke of a pen in the White House Rose Garden. President Gerald Ford signed into law a measure intending to secure workers’ retirements and employer-sponsored pension plans. The symbolism of the holiday matched both the new law’s spirit and name: the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA).
As ERISA turns 50 this September, policymakers, think-tankers and plan sponsors all see the golden anniversary as an opportunity to reflect on its successes while acknowledging the gaps still within our retirement system. Many are focused on a key challenge for the next 50 years: the absence of predictable
ERISA’s intricate and ever-evolving web of tax and labor rulemaking expanded the federal government’s role in regulating the employer-sponsored benefit system. It also grew to regulate numerous nonretirement benefits such as healthcare and long-term disability insurance. Originally hailed as the “the greatest development in the life of the American worker since Social Security,” ERISA’s sprawling reach now covers more than 150 million workers, retirees and dependents.1
ERISA secured private pensions and changed the way many workers save for retirement. But as groundbreaking as it was, ERISA ultimately left promises unfulfilled, workers uncovered and retirements underfunded; four in 10 Americans now risk exhausting their savings during retirement.2
Overdue for an overhaul.
Today’s retirement landscape is vastly different from 50 years ago, when retirement plans were built around full-career employees. People are
The great frontier is how we deal with the conversion to retirement income.
To shore up the retirement system for the future, advocates are pushing an approach that reprises the best of the pension era—guaranteed
“The great frontier is how we deal with the conversion to retirement income,” said David John, senior strategic policy advisor at the AARP Public Policy Institute. “The way ERISA has been administered placed burdens on the defined benefit pension system and until recently made it very hard to create a retirement savings system that offers lifetime income."
How ERISA changed retirement saving.
For workers, ERISA rulemaking created a new calculus they had to apply to their finances ahead of and through retirement. Individual savings became the heart of the U.S. retirement system. Before ERISA, private employers assumed responsibility for funding workers’ retirement income. After ERISA, workers bore most of the responsibility—and the risk—that comes with funding their savings and managing their
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ERISA also introduced a jumble of new responsibilities and potential legal liabilities for employers. The law elevated employers to fiduciaries, who must provide plan information to participants and ensure plan assets get invested in prudent and diversified ways. It required pension plan sponsors to pay into the government’s insurance system against defaults and adhere to new funding and vesting standards.
ERISA’s implications are so far-reaching that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, in reference to her first Supreme Court opinion assignment—an ERISA case—called the law a “candidate for the most inscrutable legislation Congress ever passed.”3
The twist is that the pension-centric retirement system ERISA was built to protect has largely faded away. In 1974, seven in 10 private-sector workers with access to retirement plans had pensions. Fast forward five decades, and only one in 10 private-sector workers has access to a pension.4
The road to ERISA.
Many workers today are nostalgic for the bygone era when pensions held sway. Three-quarters of respondents to a National Institute on Retirement Security survey agree that not having a pension “makes it harder to achieve the American Dream.”5
But the pension-based system for private workers came with major deficiencies. For one thing, most workers didn’t have one. After World War II, labor unions helped broaden access to newly created pension plans for workers in a few industries—automobiles, steel, railroads. Many smaller employers didn’t offer pensions and, by one estimate, only about 40% of private-sector workers ever had one.6 That's even lower than the 49% of today’s private-sector workers (including those with no plan access) who participate in a defined contribution (DC) plan.7
77% of people agree not having a pension “makes it harder to achieve the American Dream.”
Source: National Institute on Retirement Security

Even if your employer offered a pension, benefits were hard to come by and inflexible. Receiving payouts in retirement required decades of unbroken work for the same employer, penalizing younger people who quit or lost their jobs. Women (who moved in and out of the workforce to have children) and part-time or seasonal workers were left out.
Worse, pre-ERISA pension plans were precariously underfunded. The catalyst for the pension reform movement culminating in ERISA was the 1963 closure of the Studebaker-Packard Corp. factory in South Bend, Ind. The automaker terminated its pension plan, leaving 4,500 active workers with a fraction of promised benefits and about 3,000 workers with nothing.
Studebaker became a call to arms for public officials and private-sector experts. Among them was Senator Jacob Javits, who introduced a series of pension-reform bills in the 1960s and was a leader in drafting ERISA. The cause carried into the early 1970s, when high-profile investigative news reports took aim at gaps in the pension system and cemented reform on the national agenda. Mike Wallace on “60 Minutes” highlighted the mismatch of employee tenure and eligibility, and an award-winning NBC News documentary interviewed a slew of retired workers who didn’t receive expected pension benefits.
“After 30 years and I've got nothing,” lamented one unidentified auto worker on the NBC program. “I mean, it's gone down the drain, 30 years of service.”8
Then and now: What ERISA couldn’t have predicted.

Number of workers in the United States
1975: 86.6 million
2024: 161 million
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Number of U.S. defined benefit plans
1975: 103,000
2021: 46,000
Source: Employee Benefits Security Administration

Number of defined contribution plans
1975: 208,000
2021: 719,000
Source: Employee Benefits Security Administration

Average annual Social Security benefit
1974: $2,002
2024: $22,864
Not adjusted for inflation. Source: Social Security Administration
The rise of defined contribution plans.
ERISA’s provisions ushered in a do-it-yourself savings ethos that birthed the individual retirement account (IRA), extending tax-advantaged saving benefits to workers without access to an employer-sponsored plan.9 And while ERISA didn’t create the 401(k)—that came
In 1978, Congress authorized 401(k) plans, and in 1981 the IRS drafted the regulations that allowed employees to fund them. While 403(b) plans already existed (often called tax-sheltered annuities), ERISA permitted investments in mutual funds for the first time. Other types of DC plans had been around for decades, but worker-funded, tax-deferred 401(k)s proliferated rapidly. Within two years, nearly half of all large firms—names like Johnson & Johnson and PepsiCo—were either already offering a 401(k) or considering one.10
It wasn’t that employers immediately dropped defined benefit (DB) pensions and adopted DC plans. The first 401(k)s were supplemental to existing pension plans, and few employers offered them as standalone options.
ERISA’s provisions ushered in a do-it-yourself savings ethos.
But economic and regulatory forces conspired against pensions. By the mid-1970s, U.S. manufacturers faced competition from overseas, supply chains globalized and the term “Rust Belt” spread across the Midwest. Patterns of employment and the nature of work itself were changing. Knowledge workers were more inclined to switch jobs, eschewing the one-firm careers familiar to the post-war Silent Generation. Meanwhile, ERISA rules added to the cost and complexity of managing pension plans. As a result, employers leaned into DC plans as an alternative.
Employers were quick to add 401(k) provisions to DC plans or establish new plans with 401(k) provisions, while freezing, phasing out and not starting new DB plans. In 1985, 41% of private workers participated in DC plans compared with 80% of workers who participated in (DB) plans; by 1993, the numbers had nearly equalized, with 49% participating in DC plans versus 56% in DB plans.11 Today, about half of private workers continue to participate in DC plans while just 11% of private workers participate in DB plans.12
Addressing retirees’ changing needs.
The rapid transition from DB to DC plans has not kept pace with how we work today, the financial decisions we have to make and how long we live. As a result, too many workers remain ill-prepared for retirement. We can and must do better for the next five decades of retirees. By eroding access to pension-based guaranteed lifetime income, ERISA diminished retirement security and
Furthermore, too many workers with DC plans must make complicated and consequential decisions on their own. They must decide whether to participate, in what amounts and how to invest. What’s more, they must make these decisions every time they change jobs.
Finally, workers face daunting decisions about when and
“We’re trained to preserve savings and spend income throughout our entire careers,” said AARP’s David John. “Then at retirement you’re handed more money than you’ve ever seen in your life even if you have absolutely no experience managing investments.”
57 million American workers don't have access to workplace retirement plans.
Source: Wharton Pension Research Council, March 2022.

A system that is already inadequate will confront the reality that Americans are
“The most important thing we should think about over the next 50 years is going back to a system where we don’t have do-it-yourself retirement … and people don’t have to be their own investment manager,” said Phyllis Borzi, former assistant secretary for Employee Benefits Security of the U.S. Department of Labor, at a May 2024 forum sponsored by the Employee Benefit Research Institute and the American Benefits Council.14
Renewing ERISA’s promise of retirement income security.
TIAA believes future improvements to the U.S. retirement system involve designing retirement plans that encourage workers to save, expanding access to those plans,
“ERISA focused on getting Americans to retirement, but we need to help Americans get through retirement,” said Bret Hester, general counsel and head of TIAA’s Government Relations and Public Policy group. “In the 50 years following ERISA’s enactment, a lot of workers lost access to guaranteed monthly income payments. There’s work to be done to renew and deliver the promise of ‘retirement income security’ reflected in ERISA’s name.”
Make it easier for those without a workplace plan to save in IRAs.
The right collaboration between employers and policymakers can help workers with no access to workplace plans, especially small-business employees. This is critical since moderate-income workers are more than 15 times likely to save for retirement if they have access to payroll deductions at work.16
Automatic-enrollment IRAs are one solution gaining traction at the state level. Auto IRAs work by requiring employers without retirement plans to automatically enroll their employees in state-run, private-sector-managed IRAs. Under these plans, the role of the employer is administrative, limited to enrolling workers and facilitating payroll contributions into tax-favored IRAs. IRAs are personal savings accounts, not employee benefit plans, and a key feature of auto-IRA programs is that IRAs are portable and move with workers from employer to employer.
In June 2024, Rhode Island became the 17th state to enact an auto-IRA program. Federal auto-IRA legislation also has been introduced multiple times in the U.S. House of Representatives, most recently in February 2024.
ERISA focused on getting Americans to retirement, but we need to help Americans through retirement.
Help workers save and access lifetime income in their DC plan.
Retirement plan design enhancements can nudge workers through the maze of decisions around saving. Fortunately, plan sponsors are well-placed to help workers make better decisions.
Auto enrollment and qualified default features have long helped people start saving earlier than when enrolling on their own. A complementary plan feature can automatically increase an employee’s contribution amount annually. Employees can opt out of those defaults and make their own choices, but if they don’t, they get enrolled in the plan’s choices. With
Both the
These investments make it easier for workers to convert their savings into guaranteed lifetime income at retirement. Often such products embed guaranteed lifetime income into target-date strategies, which also can be used as a plan’s default investment option. We believe such product innovation will help broaden access to pension-like lifetime income solutions within DC plans.
Guide savers toward a retirement income plan.
While features like auto-enrollment and auto-escalation encourage workers to save, we believe retirement plans should also provide workers access to
To help retirees make their savings last, TIAA believes in requiring employers with 401(k) and 403(b) plans to offer a menu of retirement payout options as well. Our proposed approach—called the “Retirement Q-PON,” or qualified payout option—would require one or more options in a menu of choices including systematic withdrawals, guaranteed annuity income or managed payouts. Workers who wish to work with a financial professional could also opt for a lump-sum withdrawal.
The idea is to spare workers the burden, stress and guesswork associated with generating retirement income from their savings. The Retirement Q-PON proposal would embed retirement payout into
Such a policy change should also include an educational component to ensure workers approaching retirement age can understand and appropriately consider their income and retirement payout options as they weigh their retirement needs and priorities.
Reviving ERISA’s legacy.
“Plan sponsors offering easy-to-implement income payout options and accompanying education can significantly improve workers’ ability to transition into and thrive in retirement,” TIAA’s Hester said. “ERISA needs to evolve and modernize for today’s workplace.”
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Watch our recent webinar with PLANSPONSOR: ERISA at 50. Unfinished business.
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1 U.S. Department of Labor, Fact Sheet, February 13, 2024
2 EBRI, March 7, 2019.
3“A woman’s voice may do some good,” Politico, September 25, 2013.
4Employee Benefit Security Administration, Department of Labor. October 2022.
5National Institute on Retirement Security, “Retirement Insecurity 2024: Americans’ Views of Retirement,” February 27, 2024.
6American Enterprise Institute statement before the House Committee on the Budget, May 15, 2019.
7U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, April 19, 2024.
8"Pensions: The Broken Promise" NBC News, NBC Universal, September 12, 1972.
9Larry Ozanne, 1999 Urban Institute Press. Individual retirement accounts. The Encyclopedia of Taxation and Tax Policy.
10EBRI, History of 401(k) Plans: An Update, EBRI FAST FACTS 2 (November 5, 2018).
11U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Defined Contribution Retirement Plans Become More Prevalent,” June 1996.
12U.S. Department of Labor Statistics, February 1, 2023.
13“Are In-Plan Annuities at a Tipping Point?” LIMRA, November 28, 2023.
14EBRI/ABC 2024 Spring Policy Forum, May 16, 2024, Historical Perspectives on ERISA and Auto-Enrollment.
15Wharton Pension Research Council, March 2022.
16“State Programs, Federal Incentives Spur Rise in 401(k)s,” AARP, March 6, 2023.
Any guarantees are backed by the claims-paying ability of the issuing company.
This material is for informational or educational purposes only and is not fiduciary investment advice, or a securities, investment strategy or insurance product recommendation. This material does not consider an individual’s own objectives or circumstances which should be the basis of any investment decision.
TIAA Institute is a division of Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America (TIAA), New York, NY.
©2024 Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America-College Retirement Equities Fund, New York, NY.