This website is intended for institutional retirement plan sponsors and their consultants, registered investment advisers, and other related businesses. If you are looking for individual services, please visit

Achieving retirement security for employees

TIAA’s Retirement Plan Portfolio Manager (RPPM) can help your employees reach their retirement goals by professionally managing the TIAA investments in your plan. RPPM creates a personalized plan based on each employee’s financial profile and goals – and automatically adjusts it over time.

Easily add to your plan at no cost.
And your employees will pay no more than $3 for every $1,000 invested.

Why retirement plan portfolio manager?

Small, regular adjustments vs. waiting until it’s too late

Imagine you’re sailing from New York to London through heavy winds across your journey.

If you wait too long to adjust your course, you will lose valuable time in reaching your destination. However, if you were to make small, frequent adjustments along the way, your path would look closer to a straight line.

RPPM keeps a constant eye on one’s retirement portfolio, automatically course correcting during their working years, so they can focus on what matters to your employees.

Sailing map from New York to London
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Compare the options

Checking all the right boxes with RPPM

  Standard target-date
One-time Portfolio Adjustment Ongoing Portfolio Management with RPPM
Features Invest based on age alone Choose “Help Me Do It” within Retirement advisor Choose “Do It For Me” within Retirement Advisor
Considers your current financial profile, your future retirement goals, and all of your retirement assets, including Social Security No
Updates your investments to align to your retirement goals No
Provides expert advice and guidance powered by Morningstar® No
Readjusts and rebalances investments quarterly
Delivers quarterly feedback No No

Standard target-date


Invest based on age alone

Considers your current financial profile, your future retirement goals, and all of your retirement assets, including Social Security


Updates your investments to align to your retirement goals


Provides expert advice and guidance powered by Morningstar®


Readjusts and rebalances investments quarterly

Delivers quarterly feedback


One-time Portfolio Adjustment


Choose “Help Me Do It” within Retirement advisor

Considers your current financial profile, your future retirement goals, and all of your retirement assets, including Social Security

Updates your investments to align to your retirement goals

Provides expert advice and guidance powered by Morningstar®

Readjusts and rebalances investments quarterly


Delivers quarterly feedback


Ongoing Portfolio Management with RPPM


Choose “Do It For Me” within Retirement Advisor

Considers your current financial profile, your future retirement goals, and all of your retirement assets, including Social Security

Updates your investments to align to your retirement goals

Provides expert advice and guidance powered by Morningstar®

Readjusts and rebalances investments quarterly

Delivers quarterly feedback

A low-cost managed account

At no cost to the plan, RPPM is an easy addition to helping your employees achieve retirement security.

Employees pay $3 or less for every $1,000 invested.

We're here to help

Ready to build a more secure future together

Let’s talk. Contact your TIAA partner.

This material is for informational or educational purposes only and does not constitute fiduciary investment advice under ERISA, a securities recommendation under all securities laws, or an insurance product recommendation under state insurance laws or regulations. This material does not take into account any specific objectives or circumstances of any particular investor, or suggest any specific course of action. Investment decisions should be made based on the investor’s own objectives and circumstances.

Morningstar Investment Management, LLC (Morningstar) is an unaffiliated investment advisor that provides TIAA with independent, third-party asset allocation models and specific investment recommendations for purposes of the Retirement Plan Portfolio Manager program. Program recommendations are generated by Morningstar as an independent investment authority, retained by TIAA to provide independent advice. The Morningstar tool's advice is based on statistical projections of the likelihood that an individual will achieve their retirement goals. The projections rely on financial and economic assumptions of historical rates of return of various asset classes that may not reoccur in the future, volatility measures and other facts, as well as information the individual provides.

IMPORTANT: Projections and other information generated through the Morningstar tool regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypo­thetical, do not reflect actual investment results and are not a guarantee of future results. The projections are dependent in part on subjective assump­tions, including the rate of inflation and the rate of return for different asset classes. These rates are difficult to accurately predict. Changes to the law, financial markets or individual personal circumstances can cause substantial deviation from the estimates. This could result in declines in an account's value over short or even extended periods of time.

No strategy or investment policy can eliminate or anticipate all market risks and losses can occur.
