Enroll today and invest in your future

Start saving toward the retirement you deserve with the help of Littleton Public Schools.

To get started, choose from your employer’s plans

Make a selection before beginning enrollment

How we invest in your future

We offer a wide range of investment options, with different levels of risk tolerance, depending on your preferred retirement plan.

Frequently asked questions

You should consider saving 10-15% of your income for retirement, including your employer’s contribution if you’re eligible for employer match. For example, if you save 5% of your income and your employer matches with another 5%, you’ve saved 10% of your income. Our online tools can help you determine how much you should consider saving for retirement or other financial goals.

Plan fees and expenses are specific to your plan and investments. Some fees are covered by your employer, while others are paid by you. This depends on each investment’s expense ratio and any eligible services you use:

  • Investments: Our mutual funds and annuities are among the least expensive in the industry.1 In fact, 87% of TIAA-CREF mutual funds have expense ratios below the median of their respective Morningstar categories.2
  • Advice: Personalized retirement advice at no additional cost.
  • Insights: 1-on-1 consultations, online resources, and supportive communities at no additional cost.
  • Brokerage: Online stock and ETF trades with no monthly maintenance fees or commissions.

1Applies to mutual fund and variable annuity expense ratios. Source: Morningstar Direct, June 30, 2023. 59% of TIAA-CREF mutual fund products and variable annuity accounts have expense ratios that are in the bottom quartile of their respective Morningstar category (and 87.25% are below median).

Our mutual fund and variable annuity products are subject to various fees and expenses, including but not limited to management, administrative, and distribution fees; our variable annuity products have an additional mortality and expense risk charge.

2Based on Morningstar Direct (as of June 30, 2023) expense comparisons by category, excluding Money Market products. Actual percentage is 87.25%. TIAA-CREF mutual funds are subject to various fees and expenses, including but not limited to management, administrative, and distribution fees. Excludes the class W shares, which are not available for purchase by retail investors.

You or your employer already enrolled you in a plan, but we encourage you to register your TIAA account onlineOpens in a new window. That’s the easiest way to view your account, including managing your investments, signing up for eDelivery, and using our retirement advice tools.

For 100+ years, we've helped people like you enjoy the retirement they deserve
Industry leader

#1 non-profit retirement market provider in assets3


$545 billion in benefits paid and no missed payments4

Focused on you

Low-cost plans, plus advice with no added charge

32023 Plan Sponsor Record Keeping Survey
4As of December 21, 2022
