These Tools are Educational. This material is for informational or educational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice under ERISA, a securities recommendation under federal securities laws, or an insurance product recommendation under state insurance laws or regulations. These tools are intended to provide you with information to help you make informed decisions. You should not view or construe the availability of these tools as a suggestion that you take or refrain from taking a particular course of action, as the advice of an impartial fiduciary, as an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy or hold any securities, as a recommendation of any securities transactions or investment strategy involving securities (including account recommendations), a recommendation to rollover or transfer assets to TIAA or a recommendation to purchase an insurance product. In making these tools and information available to you, TIAA assumes that you are capable of evaluating the information and exercising independent judgment. As such, you should consider your other assets, income and investments and you should not rely on the information as the primary basis for making investment or insurance product purchase or contribution decisions. The information that you may derive from these tools are for illustrative purposes only and are not individualized or based on your particular needs. This material does not take into account your specific objectives or circumstances, or suggest any specific course of action. Investment, insurance product purchase or contribution decisions should be made based on your own objectives and circumstances. The purpose of these tools are not to predict future returns, but to be used as education only. The assumptions underlying these tools are provided here and will change over time and from time to time. Contact your tax advisor regarding the tax implications. You should read all associated disclosures.
See information contained within the above calculators and tools for assumptions, approach and methodology.
Prior to rolling over, consider your other options. You may also be able to leave money in your current plan, withdraw cash or roll over the assets to your new employer’s plan if one is available and rollovers are permitted. Compare the differences in investment options, services, fees and expenses, withdrawal options, required minimum distributions, other plan features, and tax treatment. Speak with a TIAA Consultant and your tax advisor regarding your situation. Learn moreOpens pdf.