
2022 TIAA Paul A. Samuelson Award Ceremony 

On Jan. 6, 2023, we announced the winner of the 2022 TIAA Paul A. Samuelson Award for Outstanding Scholarly Writing on Lifelong Financial Security. This year the judges chose Adam Leive of the University of California, Berkeley, for his paper “Health Insurance Design Meets Saving Incentives: Consumer Responses to Complex ContractsOpens in a new window” published in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2022. 14(2): 200-227.

Named in honor of the Nobel Prize-winning economist and former CREF Trustee, the Samuelson Award is presented annually by the TIAA Institute to recognize research that helps advance Americans' financial well-being. To learn more about the award and its past recipients, who include four Nobel laureates, please visit our Awards page

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