To enhance the reach of our thought leadership, the Institute collaborates on research and convenings with select organizations.
Strategic collaborations: Working with premier organizations
Partnering with leading research centers, associations and think tanks, the TIAA Institute delivers the diverse expertise of many organizations, providing data-driven content to help leaders make informed decisions.
New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE)
The TIAA Institute partners with NEBHE to help expand access, success, affordability and equity in higher education.

Next-Gen Digital Learning Infrastructure project
The New England Board of Higher Education’s Next-Gen Digital Learning Infrastructure (NGDLI) project explores the future of the postsecondary learning enterprise.

NGDLI and strategic governance: An action framework for boards and senior higher education leaders
How should higher education leaders think about future technology needs in the context of student access and success?
The Pension Research Council of The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (PRC)
We work with PRC on research and convenings designed to strengthen the U.S. retirement system and help inform individuals, institutions and policymakers.
2022 Fellows Symposium — Retirement readiness in uncertain times: Harnessing behavioral biases to mitigate risks
FEBRUARY 4, 2022
The TIAA Institute and the Pension Research Council co-hosted a virtual Fellows Symposium focused on factors and biases that impact financial decisions.
Olivia S. Mitchell
International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans Professor
Professor of Insurance and Risk Management and Business Economics and Public Policy
Executive Director, Pension Research Council
University of Pennsylvania
Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center at The George Washington University (GFLEC)
The Institute has joined with GFLEC on issues involving financial literacy and capability among specific populations, including African Americans, working women and Gen Y.

Financial literacy, wellness and resilience among African Americans
The financial well-being of African Americans lags behind that of the U.S. population as a whole, and whites in particular.
Annamaria Lusardi
Academic Director, Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center (GFLEC), The George Washington University School of Business
Denit Trust Chair of Economics and Accountancy, The George Washington University School of Business
GFLEC, The George Washington University
American Council on Education (ACE)
The TIAA Institute collaborates with ACE to promote leadership development in academia and help campus leaders address critical challenges.

Pulse Point Surveys: COVID-19 on campus
ACE's Pulse Point surveys gather the insights of college and university leaders through questions designed to gauge the decisions, issues and challenges they face.

College and university presidents respond to COVID-19: 2021 Spring term survey
As the pandemic enters its second year, what’s on the minds of college and university presidents?
The Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU)
The TIAA Institute partners with APLU to identify solutions to key challenges facing today’s campus leaders.

Financial aid innovations for college affordability and mitigating student debt
The Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) is leading a research project supported by the TIAA Institute to identify and learn from innovative financial aid strategies designed to improve affordability and reduce student debt.

CARES Act - Lessons learned: Insights on emergency funding, student need, and the impact of the CARES Act
COVID-19 has exacerbated systemic and institutional barriers to equity, leaving some students struggling to afford college or facing mounting debt burdens.
College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA-HR)
We produced with CUPA-HR a series of reports examining aspects of COVID-19’s financial impact on the higher education workforce.

Financial wellness and retirement readiness in higher education
The Higher Education Financial Wellness Survey, a joint research initiative by the TIAA Institute and CUPA-HR, examines the financial practices and well-being of the higher education workforce.

Faculty retirement and COVID-19
How will COVID-19 affect retirement patterns among senior faculty and how can institutions respond?
Our Partners
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU)
- American Council on Education (ACE)
- American Institute for Research (AIR)
- Association of Black Foundation Executives (ABFE)
- Association of Governing Boards (AGB)
- Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU)
- Center for Retirement Research at Boston College (CRR)
- Center for State and Local Government Excellence (SLGE)
- Charles River Associates
- College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA-HR)
- Council of Independent Colleges (CIC)
- Council on Foundations (COF)
- Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI)
- Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center at The George Washington University (GFLEC)
- Hispanic Heritage Foundation (HHF)
- Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF)
- Hispanics in Philanthropy (HIP)
- International Centre for Pension Management (ICPM)
- Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
- National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO)
- National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education (NADOHE)
- National Urban League (NUL)
- New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE)
- Pension Research Council of The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (PRC)
- Pew Research Center (PEW)
- Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (RPA)
- SUNY Rockefeller Institute of Government
- The Education Trust (Ed Trust)
- UnidosUS
- Urban Institute
- Women's Institute For A Secure Retirement (WISER)