The Higher Education Financial Wellness Survey (HEFWS) is a joint research initiative by the TIAA Institute and the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA-HR). The objective of the HEFWS is to examine financial practices and well-being among the higher education workforce, with a particular focus on retirement preparations and expectations. The initial survey was fielded in 2019 with a sample of faculty, staff and administrators employed full time by a public or private nonprofit college or university. The second iteration of the survey was fielded in late 2020; it was designed to capture the impact of COVID-19 on financial wellness and retirement readiness of the higher education workforce.

Financial wellness and retirement readiness in higher education
Survey reports
Faculty retirement and COVID-19: Findings from the 2020 Higher Education Financial Wellness Survey
How and to what degree will the COVID-19 pandemic impact faculty retirement patterns? What are the workforce management implications for colleges and universities?
Financial well-being and retirement readiness in the higher education workforce: Findings from the 2019 Higher Education Financial Wellness Survey
How are faculty preparing for, and navigating, the myriad decisions that affect financial wellness generally and retirement readiness in particular?
Retirement readiness among the higher education workforce and implications of COVID-19
How has COVID-19 impacted retirement saving and investing among the higher education workforce, along with their confidence regarding various aspects of retirement readiness?
Financial wellness among the higher education workforce and the impact of COVID-19
How has financial well-being among college and university employees been impacted by COVID-19, including debt, non-retirement saving and use of financial advice?