
Planning and experiencing a secure retirement

March 20, 2025 | Princeton, NJ

The TIAA Institute and the Pension Research Council will be co-hosting a Fellows Symposium on retirement security. Topics on the agenda include healthcare spending, income planning, savings decisions and more. Six new research studies will be reviewed by prominent scholars

The immediate needs annuity and long-term care insurance
Leora Friedberg, University of Virginia
Wei Sun, Renmin University of China
Anthony Webb, New School for Social Research

Subsidizing medical spending through the tax code: take-up and targeting
Gopi Shah Goda, Brookings Institution

How longevity and health information shapes financial advice
Abigail Hurwitz, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Olivia S. Mitchell, University of Pennsylvania

The intergenerational transmission of future-orientedness
John Knowles, Simon Fraser University
Andrew Postlewaite, University of Pennsylvania

The life you save (for): Experiences dominate goods in motivating savings
Siyuan Yin, University of Pennsylvania
Grant E. Donnelly, Ohio State University
Cait Lamberton, University of Pennsylvania
Michael I. Norton, Harvard University

*Trial annuities: Overcoming annuity hesitancy?
Jeff Brown, University of Illinois
Brent Davis, TIAA Institute
Jim Poterba, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
David Richardson, TIAA Institute
*Report will be released midyear 2025.

This symposium and the presented research are part of the TIAA Institute’s ongoing effort to understand and address the socioeconomic factors affecting Americans’ financial security.